
Friday, May 28, 2010

New Blog Look...Again

Seems I have a need to change up my blog look every season or so. Found one I liked so I thought I would try it out. I still need to find a couple of other things to add to the site, but I did at least get my blog roll back up, so I thought I did pretty good. Please let me know what you think if you have a chance.


  1. Very cool, Liza! I think this set up a lot and the background is so deliciously Sixties!

  2. Wait... I think this set up? Dude. Yeah. I'm tired. What the brain is thinking isn't translating to the fingers. :P Translation: I LIKE this set up...and/or I think this set up is awesome... Take your pick. LOL

  3. Wow, I love this look. There is a ton going on, but it feels so clean and readable! I think it's really gorgeous and it feels friendly. Also, loads fast. I have an older computer, so THANKS for that!!!

  4. Liza, LOVE the new look. It is very upbeat and springy (if that's a word). Very eye-catching with pretty colours...can you hear me thinking ooooooooo, shiny? LOL!!

    You so need to teach me how to do this stuff.

    Peace and love,
    Paula R.

  5. Thanks everyone! It was fun looking for a new look.

    Paula, if I can do this anyone can do it. I'll be glad you show you when we are in Orlando. :)

  6. I LOVE this new look!!! It's gorgeous! Hmmm....makes me think maybe I should do something different with mine.

    I've got it so it matches my website, but this is so cool I wonder what else might be out there.

    I like change...change is good.
    This change is awesome!
