
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Diet and Exercise Update

I know I've been a bit quiet lately. I took a few days off work in the last couple of weeks to go hang out with my cousins. They live about 2 hours from me and have a pool in their backyard. Now it has felt like it is 150* in Nashville for the last few weeks, so the idea of hanging by the pool for a few days sounded great. I was great, even if it felt even hotter there than it does here. Granted floating around in the pool for a few hours really does make it easier to deal with the heat index.

Of course, when I got home I realized how out of control I've let my diet and exercise routine get...maybe lack of diet and exercise routine is a better description. So to help get me back on track, I re-joined Weight Watchers this week. Now the new points+ system is taking some getting used to. I knew many of the old point values on some of my favorite items. Now those numbers are all out the window. I'm up for the challenge. I would love to lose at least 15 pounds before my Vegas trip at the end of Sept. If I'm really careful with food and stick to my exercise program, I'll be there. So now, I have it set up to use my elliptical 3-4 days a week and run 2-3 days each week. I'll mostly be on the elliptical until the temps drop a little. I'm also training for the Franklin Classic 5K for Labor Day, so I need to make sure I'm doing interval training even when on my elliptical. I'm sure my neighbors will love me when I workout at 4:30 in the morning, but mornings are best for me to stick to a workout schedule. Running will take place on the weekends for the next little bit, with 1 run after work each week.

My goal is to be down 20 pounds by the time I turn 40 at the end of October. So tomorrow is my last day to eat junk. After that I'm sticking to my WW diet very closely. Wish me luck, as I love junk food probably more than most teenagers.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your goals! I've found it's hard to get int the habit to exercise-especially when it's so hot out.
